Wayne's scriptment for a feature-length film based upon Algernon Blackwood's The Willows has, at last, moved to the next level. Wayne's vision of the material includes elements of Blackwood's The Centaur as well as The Man Whom the Trees Loved, The Temptation of the Clay, and TheGlamour of the Snow. Stay tuned for future updates as the project continues to transcend its micro-budget origins! ABOVE: Wayne's "Proof of Concept" poster design, conceived before Al Gore climbed into the cherry-picker!
WAYNE SPITZER is an author, filmmaker, and teacher of writing from the Pacific Northwest. His genre work includes an SF/horror novel, Flashback (Books in Motion/Classic Ventures, 1993), the movies Shadows in the Garden (IndieFlix, 2007) and Monstersdotcom (Brimstone LLC, 2003),
and numerous low-budget television programs and ad spots. His non-genre work has appeared in Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, subTerrain, Micro-film: The Magazine of Personal Cinema in Action, and Generation X National Journal. In 2008 he completed a lengthy scriptment based upon Algernon Blackwood's The Willows. A graduate of Gonzaga University, Wayne is currently an MFA candidate at Eastern Washington University, where he is completing a fictionalized memoir titled X-Ray Rider, about growing up in the 1970s. Wayne teaches creative writing at Airway Heights Corrections Center and Corbin Art Center in Spokane, WA.