Stills from Wayne Spitzer and Andy Kumpon's "The Infection," widely considered the best episode of
Dead of Night.
Status (Wayne Spitzer) isn't sure what to make of A.K.'s (Andy Kumpon) uncharacteristic behavior.

...nor a sudden headache and nosebleed while investigating a massacre.

A.K. (Andy Kumpon) finds the powers of his vampiric friends intoxicating...especially their ability to bring Seattle rain to rust-brown Spokane!

Status (Wayne Spitzer) is awakened by a psychic plea from A.K. (Andy Kumpon)...and knows what must be done.

Status (Wayne Spitzer) drives a stake (okay, a tent stake) through the heart of one of the vampires.

If looks could kill, Status would be like, way dead. Fortunately he's already out the door, enroute to save A.K.

You might say that the indomitable A.K. (Andy Kumpon) has "ripped the lid off a can of Whup Ass." If you, er, spake Spokanese.

Status (Wayne Spitzer) is running out of time as the angry sun sets.
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