September 13, 2017

Comes a Ferryman, Book One of the Ferryman Pentalogy (Kindle Edition) by Wayne Kyle Spitzer

"The ferryman turned to face her and she quickly looked away—as if an owl had suddenly focused on her in the dark. Now that they’d reached the trunk of the river, he had relaxed the intensity of his rowing to a more casual pace, and was allowing the current to do most the work. (She didn’t dare risk activating the ring now!) Instead she looked at the floorboards, and after a few moments, remembered the book lying next to her. She reached toward it habitually—but froze when the raven cawed loudly and its red beam fell upon the back of her hand.

A tense moment followed in which she looked from the ferryman to the raven then back again as her fingertips wavered over the golden cover. Then the ferryman motioned with his head, and the raven’s light swung away and switched off. She picked up the book slowly and placed it on her lap."

“Wayne Spitzer’s FERRYMAN PENTALOGY is a tribute to the excellent writing of science fiction authors of the past; his precise and erudite language makes every chapter a pleasure to read. Spitzer’s underground water world demonstrates an incredible imagination which leaves the reader wondering just where this horrific future takes place. Is it our own planet that has become so twisted? Does the answer lie in the Latin location names? Has human nature changed so little that a single man can start a revolution and struggle with losing his focus over lust for a woman? THE FERRYMAN PENTALOGY is a brilliant novel designed as a five-part serial. If the price of the five books seems steep, consider it an investment in the future writings of a fine new author whose future works will not disappoint.”

“This book is a great way to finish summer. A quick read with a lot of action, intrigue and questions that will be answered as I finish the Pentalogy. Spitzer has left the cage ajar and I will follow to The Tempter and The Taker!”

“The author has a way with visceral descriptions and imagery. While I don't generally read erotica, the fresh take on the concept of the ferryman and the coins was intriguing enough to pique my curiosity. The world building in this novella is excellent and is sort of reminiscent of the old 70's and 80's serials to me, which works well in this setting. Just because I personally don't care for sex scenes in my reading, I took a half star off for that, but that is not a reflection on the quality of the book, just simply a personal preference. Overall I'd say this was a 4.5 star effort, an excellent first outing for a new author!”

“Great entertainment! A regular guy (well, he used to be a regular guy....) and a woman with a run of bad luck are thrust together in a dystopian world. But even here, or especially here, the promise of love challenges the system. Sexy, plus intriguing and thoughtful!”

“I bought this for my girlfriend since she loves erotic fantasy/fiction. The cover art and summary looked great so picked up the first book. She loved the story and characters so much she purchased the rest of the series. I decided to give it read myself since I do a lot traveling and have a lot of time to kill. And I really enjoyed it, especially the world-building! Very original and I can't wait to see more from this author. Recommended to all erotic and fantasy fiction fans.”

“A dramatic odyssey of a fantastical, upside down world. Love, betrayal, personal anguish, power and triumph, this series is pure entertainment for the reader who wants to escape life for a while. Characters sail through philosophical riddles and react to impossible situations that make this a completely believable, yet fanciful, read. Steamy sex scenes not for the faint of heart.”

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